CAVORIT is a hotbed of software architects, data scientists, interface developers, machine engineers, and industrial psychologists.

We unleash the normative power of user interfaces to yield organizational change and deliver sophisticated digital products to engineering companies.

To make your engineers see, feel and live your most valuable data.




Case #1: A bold Digital Twin for Jet Engines.

Simulating 600 parameters of a Jet Engine in real time – the Virtual Jet Engine (VJE) exposes an intuitive-to-use frontend to a wide and heterogeneous range of stakeholders. This enables knowledge provision through the research and development process across several departments at Rolls-Royce. In an eight months process of analysis, prototyping and testing it is now being rolled-out and in production.

A powerful und smart Middleware is orchestrating requests for calculations bringing organizational workflows down from days to milliseconds. role based accessibility of analysis while maintaining a very high levels of security is in the needs of a very sensitive industry. In tight collaboration with Rolls-Royce the features of VJE are continuously growing, embracing Data Science investigations and forecasting.

The VJE User Experience makes complex aviation simulation data understandable to a broad range of stakeholders around the globe. Fostering communication between experts and stakeholders is key for efficient innovation, driven by data. CAVORITs co-created VJE with Rolls-Royce Jet Engines to fasten iteration cycles, boosting ROI.

Case #2: An AI-driven casting engine for world class football.

Footbonaut, run by Bundesliga’s TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, is a robot driven engine that fires balls to players from eight different machines. It is a training tool for talents in professional soccer. The machine was invented and developed by Berlin-based CGoal Gmbh and is part of the SAP SportsLab at Hoffenheim. For TSG 1899 and SAP we improved Footbonaut to a semi-automated assessment center for talent diagnostics in football by developing new algorithms and methods of evidence-based talent diagnostics, using insights from sports sciences and statistics in psychology.

Our AI records players behavior, computes skills profiles in real time and adapts the next balls angle, speed, effect and target on an individual criteria. Players performance is computed and merged with data of all teams and candidates into one graphic visualization, known as ‚Seashell‘. Within minutes, a players profile is benchmarked against a data base of 200.000+ players at worlds most precise and elaborated motortesting diagnostics.

CAVORIT conceived, prototyped and developed the AI which drives Footbonaut, co-created the engines control system and the data collection for the machine learning algorithms and prototyped the visual analytics module for giving feedback to both players and trainers.

Case #3: Probabilistic Wind Avatars.

Business around wind turbines is multifaceted. Whether it be the investor seeking to minimize portfolio risk by choosing a new location for a windmill, or the assignment of maintenance teams according to low and high wind forecasts - data visualization for experts has to meet a wide range of requirements.

CAVORIT’s web-technology allows you to visualize circular statistics as probabilistic avatars. Sampling methodologies such as Gibbs-Sampling and Metropolis-Hastings can, at their best, deal with a wide range of problems and concerns, ranging from forecasting models up to small sample statistics.

The benefit is that you as a user do not even need to be familiar with advanced probabilistic statistics and related concepts - the software allows you to harness the power of AI technologies to focus on visual insights to empower great decisions.

Case #4: A Smart Coaching tool for Cooperate Culture

Transkooption is a web-based analysis and coaching suite. Based on research by business psychologist Adam Grant we developed Transkooption to provide both individual and aggregated feedback on the balance of cooperation of roles within an organization. With a proven track record in the HR industry, Transkooption has become an essential tool for HR consulting and coaching.

Transkooption facilitates both the need for precise analysis and an empathic and emotional perspective. By using animated semantic graphics, the visualization conveys both a scientific and an emotional message.

Adapting the ‚Quantified Self‘ concept to business psychology, Transkooption combines the efficiency of an assisted self-coaching process with the power of a full management dashboard.

Case #5: Kinetic Change

‚Kinetic Change‘ is dedicated to research the effects of innovative means of communication within organizational change processes. Based on the Competing Value Framework by management research pioneer Robert E. Quinn, an aestetic data visualization sculpture combining both digital and physical aspects has been developed to support the communication of goals, planned actions and progress to engage and inspire all stakeholders during the change process.

The goal was to establish a model of the change process providing a tangible experience for both management and employers, driving Cooperate Culture by a digital conversation piece.

Case #6: Blue Twin (PoC)

Aquaculture farming plays a central role in humanity’s challenge to feed the world population given its increasing importance in the seafood sector. Aquaculture farms face risks from a multitude of physical and biological factors including long-term stressors, like climate change or eutrophication. But Aquaculture farms also pose negative impact to local marine ecosystems e.g. by rising the nutrient levels.

Regulations and incentives on the aquaculture sector practices like farm locations for high productivity by minimized environmental impact, seasonal timing of operations and the overall size of the industry are difficult decisions problems for policy makers.

To this extent there is need to assist policymakers and farmers by scientific expertise in a coherent, intuitive and accessible way. But knowledge in modern societies is T-shaped: Expert knowledge is deeply hidden within vertical silos of scientific communities, while on a horizontal layer, public debate and insights are often remarkably self-refferential. The effort of connecting sciences under a paradigm of multidisciplinarity and big data might increase this gap. This proof of concept shows how to keep science and public connected by a smart data management frontend for stakeholders.


To enhance the Data Culture of a company, a holistic approach is essential. No matter if a project seems to be more challenging on the technical software aspects or if it appears to be more driven by change management needs or a specific business context: Three omnipresent levels must always be taken into account:



In the age of data, efficient team work plus data-literate management and staff are key. CAVORIT runs co-creation workshops, consulting and training to empower your stakeholders.



Big Data needs intuitive User Experience (UX). CAVORIT creates easy to use interfaces and visualizations for smart data and Frontends for complex challenges. It’s what we call D-UX.



Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Smart Analysis, Statistics, Data Provision, Security and User Management – all wrapped up neatly in boxes, easy to use and maintain: CAVORIT develops Middleware and Backends for Smart Data.

It is our strong conviction that a project can only be successful if all three layers are accounted for. For proof of concept, we recommend to start with a narrowed scope to implement a sustainable project which covers all three levels. This is what we call a ‚Slice Approach‘.




One-to-one research, advice and training for advanced leadership and cross-departmental cooperation in the data age. While our tailored solutions are software-based, we are strongly committed to personal consulting and co-creation.



Meaningful data insights are achieved by matching digital tools with specific purposes. This is what “design” is about. CAVORIT develops rich functional full stack prototypes of data products in a highly agile and ultra rapid way of working.



We bring prototypes into sustainable production by running agile processes of continuous integration and provisioning. We securely integrate all your Data and tools to give you governance over your own data.



Our solutions do not entail any artificial dependencies for our customers. We provide “inner source” solutions beneficial to your whole business. You are free to access our support and maintenance for sustainable scaling.


CAVORIT works with open standards and has developed “inner source” solutions for backend and frontend needs. Fast tailored to the specific needs of your business to business activities, our frameworks offer both: robustness and scalability.

CAVORITs HORIZONTAAL and VERTICAAL technologies form a perfect backbone for cross-silo twins.



HORIZONTAAL relies on the industrial standard React.js combined with CAVORITs own shared technology. It is optimized for demanding industries, delivering complex B2B UX with strong Data Science impact on Experts, Business Users and Management.


Backends & Middlewares

VERTICAAL’s cradle is in the financial transaction sector and it has been expanded for applications in Aviation, the Engineering Industries and Human Resources. Thus high security and performance are at it’s core and can be transferred to other sectors. Being Azure/Linux based, CAVORITs shared inner source empowers our clients to efficiently build capabilities in AI, Smart Data Analysis, Hosting, User Management, Maintenance and seamless integration into existing ecosystems with strong and complex legacy.


CAVORIT is a small and excellent company. We are neither a Data Science Lab, a Design Studio nor a classical Business Consultancy. We are an incubator for the co-creation of new solutions, we don´t just “think” and “talk”, but also “do” and “fulfill”. As a “speedboat”, we spearhead visions and seed a new data culture for bigger companies.

Coming from diverse backgrounds, we are passionate about a cross-silo and cross-community spirit for innovation that becomes reality.


Harald Fiedler, CEO

Harald Fiedler, CEO

#Strategy #Statistics #DataScience #AI #M2M #SoftwareProjectManagement

Co-founder of CAVORIT with backgrounds in political sciences and mathematics and creator of algorithms for AI-driven psychological statistics (psychometrics).

Also, Harald holds the pulse of the music together in a Jazz Manouche combo by playing the contrabass.

Prof. Hermann W. Klöckner

Prof. Hermann W. Klöckner

#UX #Data Visualisation #Design Thinking #H2M #KeyAccountManager

Hermann is CAVORIT’s leader in all UX related matters. He consults on Frontends, Smart Data Strategy and helps to simplify interaction in complex environments.

Hermann is full Professor at HSA, located in the historical BAUHAUS site and passionate about minimalism - legacy obligates.

Eveline Mäthner

Eveline Mäthner

#Culture #Business Psychology #cooperation #H2H

Evelines background in Business and Organizational Psychology brings the dimension of human behavior in the business context into every project. Eveline provides a variety of tools from analysis to intervention and is passionate about bringing genuine cooperation culture to life.


Manteuffelstr. 40
10997 Berlin

Imprint / Legal


Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

Cavorit Consulting GmbH
Elsenstrasse 41
12435 Berlin

Handelsregister: HRB 166398B
Registergericht: Registergericht Berlin-Charlottenburg

Vertreten durch:
Harald Fiedler




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